关于django的NotSupportedError("The %s operation cannot be executed inside a transaction ""(set atomic = False on the migration)." % self.__class__.__name__)
"NotSupportedError: The %s operation cannot be executed inside a transaction (set atomic = False on the migration)."是Django内置的异常,它表示你在使用Django的数据库迁移功能时发生了一个错误。
"NotSupportedError: The %s operation cannot be executed inside a transaction (set atomic = False on the migration)."异常通常是由以下原因造成的:
- 你尝试在一个事务中执行不支持事务的数据库迁移操作。在Django中,有些数据库迁移操作不支持在事务中执行,你需要在这些操作上设置atomic=False,从而使这些操作失去事务的保护。
- 你的数据库管理系统不支持事务。如果你的数据库管理系统不支持事务,那么就会出现"NotSupportedError: The %s operation cannot be executed inside a transaction (set atomic = False on the migration)."异常。
下面是一个使用Django数据库迁移功能的示例,你可以参考这个示例来解决"NotSupportedError: The %s operation cannot be executed inside a transaction (set atomic = False on the migration)."异常:
# myapp/migrations/0001_initial.py
from django.db import migrations
def create_custom_table(apps, schema_editor):
# Create a custom table
# This operation cannot be executed inside a transaction, so set atomic = False
with schema_editor.connection.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE custom_table (...)")
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('myapp', '0000_initial'),
operations = [
migrations.RunPython(create_custom_table, atomic=False),
$ python manage.py makemigrations
$ python manage.
解决"NotSupportedError: The %s operation cannot be executed inside a transaction (set atomic = False on the migration)."异常的方法取决于具体的原因。一般来说,你可以尝试以下步骤来解决这个问题:
1. 确保你的数据库迁移操作设置了atomic=False。如果你的数据库迁移操作不支持在事务中执行,那么你就需要在这个操作上设置atomic=False,从而使这个操作失去事务的保护。
2. 确保你的数据库管理系统支持事务。如果你的数据库管理系统不支持事务,那么就会出现"NotSupportedError: The %s operation cannot be executed inside a transaction (set atomic = False on the migration)."异常。
下面是一个使用Django数据库迁移功能的示例,你可以参考这个示例来解决"NotSupportedError: The %s operation cannot be executed inside a transaction (set atomic = False on the migration)."异常:
# myapp/migrations/0001_initial.py
from django.db import migrations
def create_custom_table(apps, schema_editor):
# Create a custom table
# This operation cannot be executed inside a transaction, so set atomic = False
with schema_editor.connection.cursor() as cursor:
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE custom_table (...)")
class Migration(migrations.Migration):
dependencies = [
('myapp', '0000_initial'),
operations = [
migrations.RunPython(create_custom_table, atomic=False),
$ python manage.py makemigrations
$ python manage.py migrate
希望这些信息能帮助你解决"NotSupportedError: The %s operation cannot be executed inside a transaction (set atomic = False on the migration)."异常。