
django有DatabaseError("The database did not return a new row id. Probably "'"ORA-1403: no data found" was raised internally but was '"hidden by the Oracle OCI library (see ""https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/28859).")报错是怎么回事

  发布时间:2023-01-25 20:30:01
但是,如果在执行插入语句时数据库内部抛出了"ORA-1403: no data found"错误,那么数据库就不会返回新的行ID。这就导致了"DatabaseError: The database did not return a new row id. Probably 'ORA-1403: no data found' was raised internally but was 'hidden by the Oracle OCI library '."错误。如何解决解决"DatabaseError: The database did not return a new row id. Probably 'ORA-1403: no data found' was raised internally but was 'hidden by the Oracle OCI library '."错误的关键是要找出导致"ORA-1403: no data found"错误的原因,并修改你的代码使其不再导致这个错误。


这个错误的原因是,Django在执行插入操作时,期望数据库返回一个新的行ID。但是,如果在执行插入语句时数据库内部抛出了"ORA-1403: no data found"错误,那么数据库就不会返回新的行ID。这就导致了"DatabaseError: The database did not return a new row id. Probably 'ORA-1403: no data found' was raised internally but was 'hidden by the Oracle OCI library (see https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/28859)'."错误。

举个例子,假设你有一个名为"MyModel"的模型,为了解决"DatabaseError: The database did not return a new row id. Probably 'ORA-1403: no data found' was raised internally but was 'hidden by the Oracle OCI library (see https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/28859)'."错误,你需要检查你的代码,找出导致"ORA-1403: no data found"错误的原因,并修改你的代码使其不再导致这个错误。


- 检查你的SQL语句,确保它没有语法错误。

- 确保你的SQL语句正确地引用了数据库中的表和字段。

- 如果你使用了Django的ORM,确保你的模型字段设置正确,并避免在模型中使用不支持的数据类型。

希望这些建议能帮助你解决"DatabaseError: The database did not return a new row id. Probably 'ORA-1403: no data found' was raised internally but was 'hidden by the Oracle OCI library (see https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/28859)'."错误。


解决"DatabaseError: The database did not return a new row id. Probably 'ORA-1403: no data found' was raised internally but was 'hidden by the Oracle OCI library (see https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/28859)'."错误的关键是要找出导致"ORA-1403: no data found"错误的原因,并修改你的代码使其不再导致这个错误。


- 检查你的SQL语句,确保它没有语法错误。

- 确保你的SQL语句正确地引用了数据库中的表和字段。

- 如果你使用了Django的ORM,确保你的模型字段设置正确,并避免在模型中使用不支持的数据类型。

希望这些建议能帮助你解决"DatabaseError: The database did not return a new row id. Probably 'ORA-1403: no data found' was raised internally but was 'hidden by the Oracle OCI library (see https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/28859)'."错误。



from django.db import models

class MyModel(models.Model):
    field1 = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    field2 = models.CharField(max_length=100)

# 创建一个MyModel的实例
my_model = MyModel(field1='foo', field2='bar')

# 使用Django的ORM将实例保存到数据库中

在这个例子中,我们创建了一个MyModel的实例,并使用Django的ORM将它保存到数据库中。如果在执行插入语句时数据库内部抛出了"ORA-1403: no data found"错误,那么Django会抛出"DatabaseError: The database did not return a new row id. Probably 'ORA-1403: no data found' was raised internally but was 'hidden by the Oracle OCI library (see https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/28859)'."错误。